Cross-Cultural Partnerships
at Sardis
At Sardis, we are committed to forming cross-cultural partnerships that are mutual, reciprocal, and share the love of Jesus.
A few of our cross-cultural partnerships:
Jenn and John Johnstone
Jenn and John Johnstone serve among First Nations people groups in Western Canada. In this role, John and his wife Jenn seek to build and strengthen relationships between First Nations and the Church through education, prayer, and the facilitation of bridge-building encounters. They are currently engaging with several different indigenous people groups within BC, and also serve as cultural liaisons with a youth initiative in Vancouver.
Our Reconciliation Journey
For over a decade, Sardis has been on a reconciliation journey with neighbouring First Nations communities.
Cynthia Friesen
Cynthia is ministering to young women in a Juvenile Detention Centre in Chiang Mai, who struggle with addictions, poverty, and abuse. She runs Freedom Trades, a discipleship and vocational training program for those released from detention, equipping them with basic life skills, Bible knowledge, leadership essentials, and a marketable trade that will facilitate self-employment. Cynthia also serves to support a national leader at Naomi House.
Rebecca Rempel
Rebecca works with Operation Mobilization as a photographer, writer, and editor. She travels with OM teams around the world, taking photos and writing stories about what God is doing.
Celene and Steve Johnson
Celene and Steve live and work in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Steve and Celene have filled several different roles throughout their years in PNG. Their current service consists of Steve working to build strategic relationships at national, regional and local levels to enable Bible translation in Papua New Guinea. Celene works by using her skills in accounting.
Karen and Ricky Sanchez
Karen and Ricky serve in Thailand through church planting, sports ministry, leadership development as well as overseeing the Abundant Life Home which cares for children who are affected by HIV. The Abundant Life Home’s purpose is to care for and raise up children as uniquely created individuals by providing a community and home build to unconditionally love these at-risk children and provide for their needs.
Refugee Sponsorship
For decades, Sardis has participated in refugee sponsorship through our partners at Mennonite Central Committee.