Small Groups
at Sardis
We want to invite you to be part of a small group here at Sardis Community Church.
There are a variety of different ways to connect.
Small groups provide us with relationships where we can take risks, make choices, grow in self-discipline, be accountable, and receive support from one another. They are a good place to lead people to love and serve Jesus. Our relationships with one another help our journey and growth in our relationships with God.
Sundays at 9am
Intergenerational Women’s Study
We meet at the church before our Sunday service.
Sundays at 9am
Adult Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join in on our study that takes place just before our Sunday service
Tuesdays at 8am
Prayer Group
We meet on zoom for an hour of prayer as we lift our cares, concerns, and joys to God.
Tuesdays at 7:30pm
Intergenerational Women’s Study
We meet in the Sardis neighbourhood and would love to have you join us!
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Junior Youth (Grades 6-9)
We usually meet at the church. For more information, check out our Youth Ministry page
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Senior Youth (Grades 10-12)
We usually meet at the church. For more information, check out our Youth Ministry page
Thursdays at 9:15am
Women’s Bible Study
We meet at the church for a time of study and fellowship.
Thursdays at 9:30am
Moms and Kids
We meet at the church building for a time of study, coffee, and connection. Childcare is provided.
1st, 2nd, 4th Thursdays at 1:30pm
JOY Group - Seniors
All seniors are welcome to join us for a time of singing, connection, and food. We meet in the fireside room in the church building.
Thursdays at 7pm
We meet in homes all over Chilliwack and would love to have you join us!
Every 2nd Friday at 6:30pm
Young Adults
We meet each week to share a meal and to grow together as we study God’s word. For more information, check out our Young Adults page

Get in touch.
We’d love to help connect you to a group
or answer any questions you might have!