A bit about us
God is renewing everything, and we want to be a part of it.
We are an intergenerational community of Jesus followers in the heart of Sardis with a strong commitment to our neighbourhood.
Sardis Community Church began in 1975 and has been in its building on South Sumas road since 1980. Ever since, we have existed to celebrate and strengthen our relationships with God and each other, and worked to make the community a better place to live.
Sardis Community Church is an Anabaptist-Evangelical community affiliated with the British Columbia Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
If you’d like to learn more about what we believe, click here to read our Confession of Faith.
Our Leadership Team is made up of volunteers and is responsible for overseeing the direction, administration, and care of the congregation. Our staff is accountable to the Leadership Team.
The bulk of the work of the church is done by volunteer ministry teams who organize all kinds of activities, events, educational opportunities, small groups, and service for the church and the wider community.Since our beginnings in 1975, women and men have served equally in leadership responsibilities.
Sunday mornings are just one part of our life together. You’re invited to join us as we participate in God’s Kingdom as it takes root in our neighbourhood. Sometimes this looks like caring for those in need in our community, walking with mom’s that are parenting alone, walking out a reconciliation journey with our indigenous neighbours, and more.
Click here to meet our staff team
Leading People
to Love and Serve Jesus Christ
Our values:
Jesus is the center of our life, worship, and community. Jesus calls us to live in intentional community, committed to one another for growth, accountability, and care. We invite all people to journey with us towards Jesus and towards a life aligned with the Good News of God’s kingdom in the places we live, work, and play.
Jesus calls us be transformed in a busy and distracted world. With the Scriptures as our guide for salvation, life, and discipleship, we desire to grow in the character of Jesus. We also recognize a desire to grow in slow practices of spiritual formation so Christ might be formed in us.
Jesus speaks to us in community and we recognize our need to listen well to one another in a polarized world. As we seek the truth that Christ offers us, we strive to cultivate gracious space where good and humble listening can take place. Rather than aiming for uniformity, we offer our unique gifts and insights back to the community as we strive to follow the life and teachings of Jesus.
Jesus is at work to renew all things and we want to be part of that work. This means we relationally work alongside those who have been oppressed, marginalized, or have suffered injustice near and far. Reconciliation, love and wholeness guide our communal work together. We strive to reimagine how we might share the Good News of Jesus in a contextualized way that will bring hope and life to those we live, work and play among.
Jesus invites us into full time ministry with him. Every person has unique gifts, skills, and experiences that they can use to live out their calling in the home, workplace, and neighbourhood. As a community, we want to commission, encourage, and empower people to live as committed followers of Jesus at work and in daily life.